Theta Mu Lambda Charitable Foundation
28th Annual Golf Outing
Glenwoodie Golf Club
Jul 12, 2025 at 11:00 am
19301 S State St.
Glenwood, IL 60488
27th Annual Golf Outing Recap
On behalf of the Theta Mu Lambda Charitable Foundation (TMLCF) we would greatly appreciate your support of our 2025 TMLCF Golf Outing by becoming a Sponsor for this annual event. We need your help with our mission to provide scholarships to deserving high school seniors in the south suburban Chicagoland area. If you have been a previous Sponsor, we are extremely grateful for your generous contributions. To date, TMLCF has awarded over $300,000 in scholarships and we continue our efforts to increase these awards to young scholars in need.
Your sponsorship of this event allows investment in our community’s youth by providing financial assistance to help cover college tuition and other college expenses. These young men and women are the future workforce, leaders, and entrepreneurs who will help shape our world.
Please consider participating as a Sponsor for this year’s event at one of the levels listed below. We appreciate all of our Sponsors and look forward to a successful event, enabling TMLCF to continue providing scholarships to area youth. With your help, we will succeed
Golfing Levels
Foursome: $600.00 – Golf for 4 players. Includes lunch at the turn, on-course contests, and Awards Dinner for 4. Take advantage of the $520.00 Early Bird registration fee until April 20th.
Twosome: $300.00 – Golf, lunch at the turn, on-course contests, and dinner for 2 players. Take advantage of the $260.00 Early Bird registration fee until April 20th.
Single Golfer: $150.00 – Includes golf, lunch at the turn, on-course contests, and dinner for a single golfer. Take advantage of the $130.00 Early Bird registration fee until April 20th.
Dinner Only: $65.00 – Social Networking, Raffles, Awards and Dinner. Dinner will start at 4:30 pm
Golf Clinic, Professional Lesson with Dinner Included: $100.00
For the beginner, or the avid golfer. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn the basics or sharpen your skills with this 90-minute clinic taught by a PGA Professiona
TMLCF Sponsorship Opportunities Available
In addition to your generous support for TMLCF’s Scholarship Fund, all Sponsorship levels contribute to the various aspects of producing this annual fund-raising effort. Some of the aspects include: costs for the Awards Dinner, Golfer’s Lunch at the Turn, On-Course contests for Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin, Golfer’s Swag & Gift Bags. Each level will be recognized as supporting a specific part of the event. Detailed information on each sponsorship level can be found on the TMLCF Golf Outing Registration site.
Every sponsorship level will include: Your company or individual name and logo will be listed on our website, on signage at the registration area, tee box, and awards dinner areas, also tickets to the Awards Dinner (except Par level) are included. Most levels include golf and allow Sponsors to provide their company supplied information to be placed into the golfer’s welcome bags.
26th annual Golf outing Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Level $5000 This premier sponsorship level provides an opportunity for a booth at an awards program to promote your business. Includes Golf and Dinner for 4.
Gold Level $2500 This elite sponsorship level includes Golf and Dinner for 4.
Silver Level $1500 This important sponsorship level includes Golf and Dinner for 2.
Bronze Level $1000 This important sponsorship level includes Golf and Dinner for 2.
Eagle Sponsor $700 Advertise your company, group, or individual support with golf and dinner for 4, tee box signage, and listed on the website.
Birdie Sponsor $250 Show your individual or company’s support with tee box signage, golf and dinner for a single, also listed on the website.
Par – Golf Hole Ad $150 Promote your business or show your group/individual support with tee box signage on 1 golf course hole and website.
Cash Donation Any amount you choose is greatly appreciated. To donate go to the registration page, and select “Make a Donation”.
Individual support and participation as a golfer or foursome are also welcomed. Registration for Golf Only is: $150 per Golfer or $600 per Foursome.
Please visit the Registration Page at: to join TML Charitable Foundation for this major fund-raising event